Neck Anatomy and Health!
The neck of the human body is a bio-mechanical marvel. It possesses a wide range of mobility in nearly every direction. The neck serves as a conduit for the major blood vessels to the brain and is the primary pathway of the central nervous system. The cervical (neck) region is one of the most important areas of the body and a growing body of research clearly shows that its structural integrity and function are absolutely critical to overall health and healing.
The brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The spinal cord is often thought of as just a cable that transmits nerve messages, but it is actually a direct part of the brain. The spinal cord plays a crucial role in the health and homeostasis of the human body by sending and receiving billions of nerve messages every single second.
The Central Nervous System is so vital to overall health and functioning of the human body that it is protected by the hardest substance in the body, a series of vertebral bones that make up the spinal column.The human vertebral column, or spinal column, is a highly versatile mechanism and displays all the rigidity, strength, and leverage required in the job of a crane. In contrast, it is extremely elastic and flexible. The vertebral column exhibits more varied functions than any other unit of the human body.
The small bones of the spine are called vertebrae and are designed to fit together in an S-shape. This column of curves is balanced so that the weight of the human body is evenly distributed throughout the spine. If these curves are out of balance, the vertebrae are pushed out of line, placing abnormal stress on the nerve pathways, muscles, and soft tissues of the spine.
When viewed from the side, the vertebral column shows four normal curves. The curves of the vertebral column are important because they increase its strength, help maintain balance in the upright position, absorb shock during walking and running, and help protect the spinal column from fracture.
The curves of the spine are important because they allow the spine to support more weight and to withstand more stress than if it were straight. This is because the curves increase resistance to axial compression — that is, head to-toe squishing of the spine. That means ten times more weight can be supported by a curved spine than if it was straight.
Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain in Greensburg, PA
Dr. Bury of Optimus Spine & Posture provides chiropractic adjustments, nutritional counseling and lifestyle analysis to care for patients suffering from Neck Pain in Greensburg and surrounding areas. Greensburg, PA Chiropractor in Greensburg, PA Chiropractor near me
To learn more about Chiropractic care for Neck painin Greensburg:
- Contact Optimus Spine & Posture at 724-672-3794
- Click on Contact Us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gareth Bury
- Book your appointment online