The way we hold our head held high, shoulders back, arms at our hips can play a role in our health. The article says that posing in high-power displays (as opposed to low-power displays) causes physiological, psychological, and behavioral changes consistent with the literature on the effects of power on power holders—elevation of the dominance hormone testosterone, reduction of the stress hormone cortisol, and increases in behaviorally demonstrated risk tolerance and feelings of power. These findings advance current understanding of embodied cognition in two important ways. First, they suggest that the effects of embodiment extend beyond emotion and cognition, to physiology and subsequent behavioral choice. For example, as described earlier, nodding the head “yes” leads a person to be more easily persuaded when listening to a persuasive appeal, and smiling increases humor responses. We suggest that these simple behaviors, a head nod or a smile, might also cause physiological changes that activate an entire trajectory of psychological, physiological, and behavioral shifts—essentially altering the course of a person’s day. Second, these results suggest that any psychological construct, such as power, with a signature pattern of nonverbal correlates may be embodied. Our posture is more than how we look but down to the cellular level of how our body functions and perceives itself. Stand tall and feel powerful! Power Poses and Hormones